I decided to go back thru New Jersey data and see how many PO Box / PMB "residences" I could find. These aren't registrations who MAIL TO a PO Box or PMB, they are registrations who claim their residence address is one. FAQ Q: Why do you include registrations that didn't vote? A: Because these are registrations that weren't supposed to be possible. They are illegal registrations. Elections officials and talking heads love to conflate "someone didn't cheat" with "cheating isn't possible." They love to say "we have systems in place to prevent ..." but then you go check and find over 1000 things they 1: failed to prevent at registration and 2: failed to detect year after year. Someone should ask New Jersey why random internet citizens have to do their jobs for them. They should be forced to admit they don't know where their voters live, how many times they registered or voted, in how many states, how old they are, ...